John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury.
Name and Titles: The Most Revered and Right Honourable John Whiftgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. Born: circa 1530-1533 at Great Grimsby,…
Name and Titles: The Most Revered and Right Honourable John Whiftgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. Born: circa 1530-1533 at Great Grimsby,…
Name and Titles: Elizabeth I or Elizabeth Tudor or Elizabeth of England. Born: 7 September 1533 at Greenwich Palace, London…
Principal Contributor: Dr Sarah MorrisPartial contributor on the St John Priory entry: Natalie Grueninger Your Progress Starts Here! Be sure…
In the [xiiijth] day of Marche [the king] toke his hors, wele and nobley accompanyede at Seitn Johns of London…
Distance from London: 20 miles โ[The King] rode to Waltham; and from thens the High Way to Cambridge…โ Cotton Manuscript…
Distance Travelled from London: 55 miles โ[The king] rode to Waltham; and from thens the High Way to Cambrige…where he…
Distance Travelled from London: 155 miles And thens he roode by Huntingdon, Staunforde [Stamford] and to Lincoln, and ther his…
Distance Travelled from London: 196 miles. โThe mayor and his brethren of Nottingham, in scarlet gowns on horseback with 6-700…
Distance Travelled from London: 242 miles โโฆand on Satirday came unto Doncaster, where he abode the Sonday and harde masse…
Distance Travelled from London: 255 miles Seated it is in a very pleasant place, that bringeth forth Liquirice and skirworts…