Layer Marney Tower, Essex


Note: This is a show notes page accompanying my on-location podcast in Layer Marney, recorded in the summer of 2024.

An Introduction To Layer Marney Tower

Layer Marney Tower is a stunning Tudor mansion located in Essex, England. Built in the sixteenth century, it is an excellent example of Tudor architecture, blending elements of Renaissance design with traditional English styles.

The Tower, for which the building is most famously known, was constructed by Lord Henry Marney, a close friend and advisor to King Henry VIII. Sadly, he passed away before the house was completed.

The eight-storey gatehouse is a towering structure and the tallest of its kind in Britain, standing at over 80 feet (24 meters). It is made of the classic red brick of the Tudor period, combined with intricate terracotta decorations, grand doorways, and large windows. Inside, fine wood panelling, grand staircases, and beautifully decorated rooms give an insight into how the gatehouse would have looked in its heyday.

As a trusted courtier and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Lord Henry Marney had the wealth and influence to commission such a grand building. He wanted the Tower to reflect his status, but it was left unfinished upon his death in 1523. His son, John Marney, continued the project. However, John also died just a couple of years later in 1525. Thus, the ambitious house was left incomplete, and its grand plans were never fully realised.

The adjacent Church of St. Mary the Virgin houses the tombs of Lord Henry and John Marney. Lord Henry Marneyโ€™s tomb is a highly decorative alabaster monument featuring a recumbent effigy of Lord Marney and carvings of coats of arms. Johnโ€™s tomb is more straightforward than his fatherโ€™s, a stone chest tomb with similar heraldic decorations, though less elaborate.

In this episode, I’m joined by our expert guide, owner of Layer Marney, Sheila Charrington. We explore the Tower and the Church, learning about their history. While the Tower is privately owned, parts of it are open to the public and it is used for various public and private events, including weddings, educational tours and garden festivals.

Note: There is unrestricted access to the first part of this podcast here. However, to listen to the full episode, you must be a member ofย The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Tudor England, The Tudor Travel Guideโ€™s membership site. For more information on the membership, clickย here.

Layer Marney Tower: Image Gallery

The eight-storey gatehouse and a view from inside.
Images ยฉ The Tudor Travel Guide.

Model of the intended appearance of the completed house with its adjacent church.
Images ยฉ The Tudor Travel Guide.

The exterior of the Church of St Mary the Virgin. Images ยฉ The Tudor Travel Guide.

Painting of St Christopher on the wall of the Church of St Mary the Virgin. Image ยฉ The Tudor Travel Guide.

The tomb of Lord Henry Marney. Images ยฉ The Tudor Travel Guide.

Useful Links

Visitor information and accommodation details for Layer Marney are here.

If you’d like to read about other historic properties also in Essex, head to my blog on Leez Priory or Waltham Abbey.

A podcast from nearby Hedingham Castle is in progress – watch this space!

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